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Costa Mesa DUI Information

Costa Mesa DUI Information

Costa Mesa DUI Information

Welcome to our Costa Mesa DUI Information Page. If you have a Costa Mesa DUI or know somebody who’s been arrested for DUI in Costa Mesa, California, you will find Costa Mesa DUI Information that may be helpful here.

Costa Mesa has many options for drinking – including everything from Dive Bars (like the Goat Hill, Wild Goose, or The Harp) to Sports Bars like Garf’s, to upscale lounges and bars, like The Country Club, AnQi, Silver Trumpet, Mastro’s, Capitol Grill, and M.E.S.A.).

Unlike Newport Beach or Irvine, which discourages or makes dancing unlawful without a permit (seriously), Costa Mesa has many popular nightclubs, like Time Nightclub and Mansion, and many places with live music, like The Wayfarer or Our Place.

Popular art, theater, and charity events also make for drinking or alcohol consumption, and the fact that the 405 Freeway, the 55 Freeway, and the 73 Freeway, all run through Costa Mesa, and there is a CHP office nearby, all of which makes for a high rate of DUI arrests for the City of Costa Mesa.


Costa Mesa Links

Costa Mesa DUI Lawyer

Our Office Location

Costa Mesa City Website

Costa mesa police headquarters

Costa Mesa Police

Costa Mesa DUI Lawyer

Costa Mesa City Attorney

District Attorney’s Office

Public Defender

Costa Mesa City Council

Probation Department

Orange County Official Website

Orange County Sheriffs Department

The Newport Beach office of the law firm of Miller & Associates, an Orange County group of attorneys.

120 Newport Center Drive

Newport Beach, CA 92660

 Orange County Superior Courts

West Justice Center (WJC) (this is the location where Costa Mesa DUI cases after March 2013, are heard).

Central Justice Center (CJC)

Harbor Justice Center (HJC/NB)

North Justice Center (NJC)

Lamoreaux Justice Center (LJC)

In recent years, Costa Mesa has had more DUI arrests than any other City in Orange County and has vowed to be “ruthlessly aggressive” in pursuing drunk drivers in their city. MADD has put pressure on the city through their political advocacy regarding DUI cases and their annual luncheon highlighting the DUI arresting officers in Costa Mesa.

Costa Mesa DUI Statistics

Costa Mesa has a population of 112, 645. The State of California, through the Office of Traffic Safety, reports that Costa Mesa has the following DUI statistics for the last year reports are available:

Costa Mesa DUI Attorney

Despite how tough Costa Mesa is in the way that they treat DUI cases, and how aggressively they treat DUI cases in Costa Mesa, some as among the best Orange County DUI attorney, Robert Miller at our firm has obtained the complete dismissal of all DUI charges, even in cases involving an accident and a high blood alcohol level.  We are willing to search every defense to get your Costa Mesa DUI case dismissed.

Contact Us Today for Costa Mesa DUI Information.

Contact us today.  Our firm has handled DUI cases in Costa Mesa for over two decades, and we are very knowledgeable about how DUI cases are handled in that city.  If you have been arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol in Costa Mesa, we would be happy to consult with you.

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