Penalties for California DUI Cases
Penalties for California DUI Cases
Penalties for California DUI Cases depend on the facts
Penalties for California DUI Cases depend on whether or not it is a first time DUI, second time DUI, third time DUI, or fourth DUI or beyond. In Orange County DUI cases, over 97% of DUI cases last year were misdemeanors. However, if someone was injured, that could make a DUI a felony.
Penalties for California DUI Cases by Priors
For a first time DUI, the range of punishment is from three years to five years probation, fines and fees from just under $2000, to over $5000 in fines and fees, zero jail time to six months maximum jail, and attendance at an alcohol school, which ranges from 3 months to 9 months, depending on the alcohol level.
For a second time DUI, the range of punishment is from three years to five years probation, fines and fees from just under $2000, to over $5000 in fines and fees, 48 hours jail time to one year (12 months) maximum jail, and attendance at an 18 month alcohol school.
For a third time DUI, the range of punishment is from three years to five years probation, fines and fees from just under $2000, to over $5000 in fines and fees, from 120 days minimum, to one year maximum jail, and attendance at an alcohol school of 18 or 30 months. A third time offender also has a revocation of driving privileges for three years.
For a fourth time DUI, which is a felony, the range of punishment is from 16 months, up to to three years, in state prison, fines and fees from just under $2000, to over $5000 in fines and fees, and attendance at an alcohol school, as well as designation as a habitual traffic offender.