Orange County DUI Checkpoints tonight (December 22, 2018)
Orange County DUI Checkpoints December 22, 2018
Orange County law enforcement
- Having a designated driver;
- Drinking while keeping your blood alcohol level below the legal limit;
- Avoiding any prescription drugs, narcotics;
- Using Lyft;
- Using Uber;
- Using California’s DDVIP App;; or
- Not drinking, consuming any narcotics or drugs, or not driving.
Unfortunately, the statistics show that DUI checkpoints are a bad idea, and do not work to keep drunk drivers off the road, especially when compared to the much much more effective saturation patrols. Even the police admit as much. Consider the following comment from a police officer from social media:

“Cop here! DUI
The following are the DUI Checkpoints in Orange County announced for this weekend:
Irvine DUI Checkpoint
One of the Orange County DUI Checkpoints is the Irvine DUI Checkpoint, scheduled from 8:30 pm to 2:00 in the morning at Jamboree Road and Michelson in the City of Irvine. (Irvine DUI Information)
Garden Grove DUI Checkpoint
One of the Orange County DUI Checkpoints tonight is the Garden Grove DUI Checkpoint, scheduled for Saturday, December 22nd, 2018, beginning at 9:00 p.m. within Garden Grove City Limits. (Garden Grove DUI Information)
According to California DUI caselaw, DUI checkpoints are legal in California, although they have to meet certain strict criteria, including advance publicity, which is how we find out about DUI checkpoints in Orange County.
Contact Us.
If you need the help of a DUI attorney Orange County who is experienced in handling DUI checkpoints cases, we can help you, or your loved one. Consult with us today.