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DUI Arrest Warrants in Orange County

DUI Arrest Warrants in Orange County

DUI Arrest warrants

DUI arrest warrants in Orange County, like many types of warrants in California, can happen for a variety of reasons.

The most important thing to know is this: Take care of any warrants as soon as possible.  A warrant is a priority situation that you will want to take care of right away. With a warrant, you can be arrested anywhere, and anytime, and the arrest can be justified.  You could technically be arrested at work, at home, or anywhere, as long as there is a warrant.

If you had an Orange County DUI case, but didn’t show up for your court date, or didn’t comply with some part of your sentence or missed a court deadline, you might have a warrant for your arrest, and not even know it.

You can check Orange County DUI arrest warrants at the following website, run by the Orange County Sheriff’s Department.  It is anonymous, and doesn’t send information to law enforcement:

Orange County Arrest Warrant Search


Police are Enforcing DUI Arrest Warrants in Orange County

Every so often, the Orange County Sheriff’s Department DUI Task Force goes into action to clear up all outstanding arrest warrants at once. The local newspaper (the OC Register), had a story on the DUI task force going after Orange County DUI offenders on December, 14, 2015, as a coordinated effort all over the county. As the story stated:

OCSD Deputies attempted service on 36 warrants. Nine offenders were arrested who either failed to show up for a court date or violated terms of their probation in an outstanding DUI case. Another six turned themselves in following the attempted warrant service, after receiving a notice that they were visited by the Orange County Sheriff’s Department and that there was a warrant for their arrest.

“The best bet for anyone with a missed DUI court date is go to court on their own now,” says OC Deputy Manuel Cruz. “If you don’t, that warrant isn’t going away. We’re going to come find you and take you to jail.”

Orange County DUI arrest warrants can mean increased punishment for missing the deadline set by the court.  If caught, you can face fines, community service, a work program, or even jail time for failing to appear in court. When family, friends, and co-workers find out, you can face personal embarrassment as they you are led away in handcuffs, as well as missing work while sitting in jail.

Again, when there is any kind of DUI warrant, you can be arrested at any place, at any time.  Even if you are jaywalking and the police pull your record, you can be arrested and held until you see a judge.

Contact us.  Our Orange County DUI defense lawyers can clear up a warrant in 24 hours for you. If you find you have a warrant, or if you have been sent a notice from Orange County Superior Court indicating that you have a warrant for your arrest, let us help fix that for you.  Use the Contact Us form to send us your details and to get started immediately.


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