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Brea Treasurer arrested for DUI right before his election

Brea Treasurer arrested for DUI right before his election

Brea treasurer arrested for DUI

A case was filed in Orange County Superior Court in Fullerton, alleging that Brea Treasurer Rick J. Rios was driving under the influence, and committed a hit and run in Orange County.

According to one source, on Friday, October 15th, 2016, (three weeks before his election), at around 11:45 p.m., the Brea police received a call that a white SUV had collided with parked cars in a non-injury accident and then left the area.  The treasurer, Rios was arrested when he his SUV returned to the area.  Police detected signs of alcohol intoxication, gave him a field sobriety test, and arrested him for both hit-and-run and driving while intoxicated.

The complaint filed by the prosecutor in the case alleges that he was a .09% blood alcohol level, as measured by a DUI breath test.

The case is pending in the North Justice Center in Fullerton as of this writing.  One of the best DUI lawyers in Orange County, Felipe Plascencia, is representing Mr. Rios.  Mr. Rios has entered a not guilty plea at his arraignment while the case is pending and is assumed innocent until proven guilty of his DUI in Orange County, and his Hit and Run charges.

The prosecutor in the case, The District Attorney of Orange County, waited almost two months after this occurred, and one month after the election occurred, to file charges on December 7th, 2016.

A source investigating this incident found out that the two cars hit belong to the same family, a parent and son.  In DUI cases, if there is a finding of guilty, or a guilty plea, the court typically orders restitution, or holds a restitution hearing, if there was damage to any party.  In most cases, insurance pays for damages, but the restitution order allows a victim to come to court to seek damages and reimbursement if there is not insurance coverage. For this Brea Treasurer arrested for DUI right before his election, he may be eventually ordered to pay for any repairs, or any damages.


Contact us

If you have questions about a DUI case in Orange County, or a hit and run case in orange county, please contact us today. We can help you with your case and minimize the impact on you from sentencing with the priors.

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