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Benefits of Turning to Email List Cleaning Services

For all professional marketers out there, it’s pretty obvious why they need to clean their email lists regularly. It’s simple. You may have the best email templates and amazing, highly converting copy. Still, if the deliverability of your emails decreases with every send, you won’t get the most out of your efforts. It’s not good, right? 

Let’s focus once again on the benefits of these activities and why it’s a great idea (or not) to rely on special services to do it all for you. 

What’s a Pro Email List Cleaning Service?

Email cleaning services are all about removing low-quality emails from your email list. Once you upload your list of subscribers, these cleaning tools are sure to analyze all of them and identify 

In a matter of minutes, you’ll get your list cleaned. Then, it’s possible to export a newly cleaned list of subscribers. Follow the recommendations and tips suggested by an email list of scrubbing services. Another option is to go deeper into all the data such tools provide and decide what emails to delete or keep. 

The most advanced email scrubbing services also give you special tools that improve emails’ deliverability. That’s great for your marketing campaigns. For example, such tools have a function to predict where the messages you send in your emails are likely to land. Why is it cool? That’s because, with this data, you can optimize your emails and copy them before you send them.

Here’s another handy service they offer: They alert you when your email account is put on a block list.

What Email Cleaning Is and How It Works

First things first. Email cleaning is the process of identifying all invalid or fake emails that are on your email list. Marketers need to do such cleaning constantly. This will properly manage their contact lists. As a result, their future email campaigns won’t suffer from lower deliverability, blocks, or any sort of damage.

How Is Your Email List Actually Cleaning Happening?

Cleaning your list of email subscribers is a super simple process if you opt for a good verification tool. Such tools will ask you to upload your email lists, and they’ll take care of the rest. They’ll quickly spot all invalid and risky emails. They notify you about these findings so that you can delete them from your list. It’s really that simple. 

How Often Do You Need to Scrub Your Lists?

It’s highly recommended that you clean it at least every quarter. However, it’s always better to run your lists through verification tools before you send out your new campaigns. This way, you’ll keep your deliverability high and won’t jeopardize your ISPs. Thus, your email reputation will be fine.

How Much Will It Cost Me to Clean My Email List?

Be sure to pay anywhere from $10 to $100 and more, depending on the service provider and the size of your email list.

Top Perks of Using Email Cleaning Services 

If you turn to reputable mailing list cleaning services, you’ll enjoy a lot of perks for your campaigns.

  1. High Open Rates. Who doesn’t love amazingly high open rates? Yes, if your email list is clean and properly managed, this is easy to achieve. 
  2. Lower Bounce Rates. It’s disappointing to see your emails bounce back. Nobody likes this. No worries. With a great cleaning tool, you’ll be able to avoid this. 
  3. Better ROI and Lower Costs. Why do you do all these email campaigns? Yes, for better ROI. For sure. Thus, there is no need to save on email cleaning tools. 
  4. No Spam Complaints. Forget about pesky users complaining about you as a spammer. 
  5. Better Email Reputation. This one is huge. Don’t understand it. Take care of your email reputation from Day 1, and you’ll thank us later. 

Here you have it. All these perks are amazing for you as an email marketer.

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