robert, Author at Orange County Attorneys - Page 52 of 66
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Why did the police pull you over in your DUI?

By: robert
May 9, 2017
Why did the police pull you over in your DUI? There are a lot of different types of DUI arrests.  The most common situation is where the officer notices some...

Orange County DUI Court Information

By: robert
Apr 22, 2017
Orange County DUI Court Information regarding The DUI Court Program in Orange County Superior Court WHAT IS DUI COURT? The Orange County DUI Court Program is a court supervised, comprehensive...

What is the DUI level for Marijuana in California?

By: robert
Apr 21, 2017
What is the DUI level for Marijuana in California?   Now that marijuana is legal in California, a common question that our law firm receives is about the legal limit...

Airbag accident DUI false positive

By: robert
Feb 18, 2017
Airbag accident DUI false positive Airbag accident DUI false positive: If there has been a DUI with an accident where the airbags have deployed, and the driver of the vehicle...

Laguna Beach Police Breath Testing in Bars

By: robert
Jan 17, 2017
Laguna Beach Police Breath Testing in Bars Laguna Beach Police Breath Testing in Bars to warn patrons against making the mistake of driving under the influence (DUI)in Orange County.  As...

DUI Under the Influence of Tea

By: robert
Jan 14, 2017
DUI Under the Influence of Tea There was a recent case here in California, where a driver was arrested for driving under the influence of caffeine.  There are also many...

Orange County DUI Checkpoints January 13-15, 2017

By: robert
Jan 13, 2017
Orange County DUI Checkpoints January 13-15, 2017 We have discussed before why DUI Checkpoints don’t work.  And yet, the large amount of money devoted to DUI checkpoints, mostly for officer...

What’s more dangerous than DUI? Driving sleep deprived.

By: robert
Jan 9, 2017
What’s more dangerous than DUI?  Driving sleep deprived. The best method to avoid crashes might just be to try getting the recommended seven to eight hours of sleep each night....

What's more dangerous than DUI? Driving sleep deprived.

By: robert
Jan 9, 2017
What’s more dangerous than DUI?  Driving sleep deprived. The best method to avoid crashes might just be to try getting the recommended seven to eight hours of sleep each night....

What Happens After a DUI Arrest

By: robert
Jan 9, 2017
What Happens After a DUI Arrest in Orange County After being arrested for a DUI in Orange County, you will be taken to the police station for blood alcohol content...
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