Does public transportation reduce the amount of DUI cases?
DUI is the number one crime in California, meaning that more people commit the offense of DUI than any other crime. (Number two crime committed in California is driving on...
Officer lets drunk driver talk himself into a DUI arrest
Officer Lets Drunk Driver Go Twice, Man Talks Until He Gets a DUI (video) Sometimes not knowing when to stop can get you in trouble. When it comes to...
One Leg Stand Field Sobriety Test Clues and Defenses
One Leg Stand Field Sobriety Test Clues and Defenses in DUI cases The One Leg Stand Test This page discusses in detail the One Leg Stand Field Sobriety Test Clues...
Walk and Turn Field Sobriety Test DUI Defenses
The Walk and Turn Field Sobriety Test. The Walk and Turn test is one of the standardized DUI field sobriety tests that police officers everywhere use as part of a...
What if you pass the field sobriety tests?
What if you pass the field sobriety tests? Field sobriety tests are used by law enforcement to analyze whether or not a person might be above a .08% alcohol level,...
Can DUI blood test results be challenged?
Can DUI blood test results be challenged? The blood test in a DUI case is usually a major part of the prosecution’s case. If properly collected, and measured, it shows...
Why does the Orange County DA require DNA?
Why does the Orange County DA require DNA? For most pleas of guilty in Orange County, almost all defendants are surprised to see that the DA requires that DNA be...
Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Field Sobriety Test
Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Field Sobriety Test The manual used to train all officers in the United States, the NHTSA manual, contains the instructions and strict testing protocol for this test, along...
DUI Police Officer Shows up Drunk at MADD luncheon
DUI Police Officer Shows up Drunk at MADD luncheon last year. After being singled out for stopping drinking and driving on roads in his jurisdiction, a police officer showed up...
Drug DUI: How long does a drug stay in your system?