How to get your Driver’s License Back
How to get your Driver’s License Back If your driver’s license is suspended for any reason, then you need to know how to get your driver’s license back. The process...
How to get your Driver's License Back
How to get your Driver’s License Back If your driver’s license is suspended for any reason, then you need to know how to get your driver’s license back. The process...
OC DUI Checkpoints in Costa Mesa, Irvine, Buena Park, and Tustin 9/16
Orange County has another series of DUI checkpoints the week and weekend of Sept. 15-18th, 2016. OC DUI Checkpoints Costa Mesa, Irvine, Buena Park, Tustin 9/16 will take place in the...
Labor Day Weekend 2016 DUI Checkpoints in OC
Orange County DUI Checkpoints Labor Day Weekend 2016 are announced. Look for Labor Day Weekend 2016 DUI Checkpoints in OC and sobriety checkpoints in the cities of: Anaheim; Lake Forest;...
Can an employer fire you for a DUI arrest?
Can an employer fire you for a DUI arrest? Many people assume that if you work for an employer, and are arrested, that you can be terminated for being arrested. So...
Orange County DUI Checkpoints 8/19/2016
Orange County DUI Checkpoints 8/19/2016 DUI checkpoints in Orange County are coming up this Friday, August 19th, 2016, and on Saturday, August 20th, 2016. Look for sobriety checkpoints in the...
What is a Helmandollar Plea and how can it help me?
What is a Helmandollar Plea and how can it help me? What is a Helmandollar Plea and how can it help? A Helmandollar plea, sometimes mistakenly called a Helmondollar plea,...
Why fight a DUI case?
Why should you decide to fight a DUI case? Why fight a DUI case? In the event that you go to court and concede to a DUI, there is a...
What should I do at my Arraignment?
What should I do at my Arraignment? Asking what will happen at your arraignment is an extremely normal question. The vast majority of people that find themselves in court confronting a...
Could the blood alcohol level be lowered to .05%?