robert, Author at Orange County Attorneys - Page 42 of 54
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Can an employer fire you for a DUI arrest?

By: robert
Aug 22, 2016
Can an employer fire you for a DUI arrest? Many people assume that if you work for an employer, and are arrested, that you can be terminated for being arrested.  So...

Orange County DUI Checkpoints 8/19/2016

By: robert
Aug 17, 2016
Orange County DUI Checkpoints 8/19/2016 DUI checkpoints in Orange County are coming up this Friday, August 19th, 2016, and on Saturday, August 20th, 2016. Look for sobriety checkpoints in the...

What is a Helmandollar Plea and how can it help me?

By: robert
Aug 17, 2016
What is a Helmandollar Plea and how can it help me? What is a Helmandollar Plea and how can it help? A Helmandollar plea, sometimes mistakenly called a Helmondollar plea,...

Why fight a DUI case?

By: robert
Aug 17, 2016
Why should you decide to fight a DUI case? Why fight a DUI case?  In the event that you go to court and concede to a DUI, there is a...

What should I do at my Arraignment?

By: robert
Aug 16, 2016
What should I do at my Arraignment? Asking what will happen at your arraignment is an extremely normal question. The vast majority of people that find themselves in court confronting a...

Does public transportation reduce the amount of DUI cases?

By: robert
Aug 9, 2016
DUI is the number one crime in California, meaning that more people commit the offense of DUI than any other crime.  (Number two crime committed in California is driving on...

Drug DUI: How long does a drug stay in your system?

By: robert
Aug 8, 2016
Drug DUI: How long is a drug in your system? For testing purposes, clients often ask how long a specific drug might be in their system, and if it may...

Officer lets drunk driver talk himself into a DUI arrest

By: robert
Aug 4, 2016
  Officer Lets Drunk Driver Go Twice, Man Talks Until He Gets a DUI (video) Sometimes not knowing when to stop can get you in trouble.  When it comes to...

One Leg Stand Field Sobriety Test Clues and Defenses

By: robert
Jul 31, 2016
One Leg Stand Field Sobriety Test Clues and Defenses in DUI cases The One Leg Stand Test This page discusses in detail the One Leg Stand Field Sobriety Test Clues...

Walk and Turn Field Sobriety Test DUI Defenses

By: robert
Jul 27, 2016
The Walk and Turn Field Sobriety Test. The Walk and Turn test is one of the standardized DUI field sobriety tests that police officers everywhere use as part of a...
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